Tracy Hall dances Jan-June, 2020
To avoid any possible transmission of the Covid-19 coronavirus, the Norwich Dance Committee has decided to  CANCEL  the March 14 dance featuring Liz and Dan Faiella.

With 2 confirmed cases of the virus in the Hanover, NH area, just across the river from Tracy Hall, the possibility that undetected cases could be passed on to someone attending the dance seemed too great a risk to take. The amount of physical proximity and contact that is part of contra dancing's great appeal would make it all too easy for many of those dancing to become infected.

Decisions about dances to follow and precautions to be put in place for them will be announced based on changes in the coronavirus situation and recommendations by health and government authorities.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Starting on January 11, all Tracy Hall dances will begin at 7:30. The introduction for beginners will start at 7:15.

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